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We wanted to share with you where we stand regarding the lifting of wearing masks and the precautions we take within the salon moving forward from 19th July 2021.

It has been one of the most challenging times any of us have ever experienced in our personal lives as well as in our businesses lives too, with many hurdles and obstacles to climb, but I am thrilled to say that as a business we have managed them well. We have a strong loyal following because of the decisions we have made throughout this time to safeguard our team & our clients. The wellbeing and safety of all within BUFF LIFESTYLE has and will always remain our priority. It is for this reason, as I am sure most you will already know, that there will be NO CHANGE to our existing COVID salon protocols for now.

We ask that you continue to respect our decision by wearing a mask inside the salon, as will our team also be continuing to wear theirs. We will NOT be removing the screens or partitions either for now, but this will be reviewed regularly.

We have all done so very well. It would be such a shame to compromise this now after everything we have done to safeguard the future for us all.

We would like to take this opportunity yet again to say a huge thank you to our amazing clients who have always remained totally supportive.

Since this all began, we like you can’t wait to get back to normal in every way and look forward to a time without restrictions.

We look forward to seeing you soon.

Hayley, Christina & Team Buff

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ADVANCED COSMTETICS by HAYLEY ~ 57 Station Road, Winchmore Hill, N21 3NB
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